Saturday, July 21, 2007

Stations and Race

I have used the expression “shortening the distances” metaphorically. In fact, there are no inches and yards between God (Almighty and Glorious is He) and His servants. It is simply a way of teaching the True Believers, men and women, that there is a journey and progress to be made. The intention is also to suggest that the matter is a race between the diligent and the lazy, and a competition between someone who takes the journey seriously and someone who dawdles along. Indeed, compe­tition is urged by God (Exalted is He):
So vie one with another in good works. (Q. 5:48)
So in that let the competitors compete. (Q. 83:26)
The Muslim who is sluggish, isolated or ignorant does not conceive of the religion as stations: islam, then imân and then ihsân. Lacking incentive, he is not prepared for serious commitment to improve his soul and compete in good works, so that he may attain a station closer to God.
God (Glory be to Him) extols those among His servants who experi­ence a need for God that is pressing, genuine, active, and eager to draw near and to compete. A servant like that will appeal, implore and seek the means of access to his Lord. His whole aspiration has been concen­trated and the focus of his heart has been unified. God (Glory be to Him) said:
Those whom they call upon seek the way of approach to their Lord. Which of them shall be the nearest? They hope for His mercy and they fear His wrath. (Q. 17:57)
The mind and the whole self of that servant are on their way to well­being and release from trial and tribulation.
Such are unequaled virtues of mutual assistance within the commu­nity of the True Believers.

Imam Abdessalam Yassine

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